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Lunch With The Founders | Japan Recruitment

about 2 years ago by
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Today we talk with the 4 people who started it all, Matt, Alex, Games, and Mehdi. 3 years ago Cornerstone recruitment was no more than these 4 people and from the ground up they worked tirelessly to become the fastest-growing recruitment company in Tokyo.

They discuss the many hardships and victories over the last 3 years. They believe that working hard isn't all you should do.

You also need to take some time to enjoy your success. Never forget to support the people around you and we hope to see you in one of our interviews in the future! Join the fastest-growing recruitment company in Tokyo!


Cornerstone Recruitment Japan is focused on placing bilingual professionals in a wide range of market-leading companies.

Focusing across all sectors, we leverage the network of our experienced consultants to provide both clients and candidates with high-end service levels and most importantly results.

Why Company Culture is Important:

How to Become a TOP Recruiter:

TOP 5 Recruitment Tips:
